If a person is in the state of Ihram for Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage to the Mecca Kaba house of Allah (swt)) many acts become forbidden (Haram) which include the following:
Looking touching (with lust), hunting , or flirting with a woman, masturbating, reciting nikah, killing insects found on humans wearing perfume, sexual union wearing sewn clothes (for men), wearing antimony (surma), , wearing shoes or socks, outrage (fusouq), quarreling, , beautifying oneself, applying oil, removing hair from the body, looking in the mirror covering the head (for men), dipping one’s body in water, covering of the face (for women), , bleeding one’s body, cutting nails, extracting tooth (according to some scholars), sheltering in the shaded place for males carrying arms. It is better please refer to the rules of your own the mujtahid you follow for detail information.
If anyone commits any of the action above-listed, they are obliged to give Kaffarah (compensation) for it. In all cases Kaffarah for these actions is to sacrifice one goat (in most cases) for the sake of Allah (swt) and distribute it among the needy. We have plan to perform this sacrifice on your behalf and deliver it to the deserving individuals.