Advantage of Hajj and Umrah:
A person who is performing Hajj and Umrah is in the safe guardian of Allah swt, if he passes away while travelling for Hajj Allah swt will forgive his sins and if passes away in the Ihram position Allah swt will raise him in situation of ”Talbiyah” and if he dies in one of two Harams (Makka or Madinah) Allah swt will raise him from among those who are under the refuge of Him, and if he passes away after performing Hajj Allah swt will forgive all his sins.
The honour of Haji (pilgrims) with Allah swt:
Imam Sadiq (as) said: Allah swt will forgive for pilgrims and his family and all the tribe and for whom he has sought forgiveness all four months remaining of Zul Hajj, Muharram, Safer, and Rabi Awwal and 10 days of Rabi Al-Akhar.
In the Book of Wasael Al-Shia Vol 8 page 67 ,when he finishes his rituals Allah swt forgives all his sins and its as that Allah swt will write only good deeds (Hasanah) for four months in Zil-Hijja Muharram ,Safer, Rabi Al-Awwal and will not record any sins except the major sins.
Note: Any request for Umrah received during the year can be arranged for Niyabat and will be performed by knowledgeable person.