In the name of Allah, the Merciful
Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds, and may peace and blessings be upon the Prophets, the Messengers, and the Exalted.
Abul-Qasim Muhammad SAW and Ali Alah Al-Taybeen Al-Tahirin and Ali Companions of the Believers.
Millat Jafaria’s indifference, and facing a terrible threat!!
Alas, the caravan kept on going without success.
And hold fast to the rope of Allah, and do not divide the Holy Qur’an.Help us with al-Barr and piety, and do not help us with wrongdoing and the admonition of the Holy Qur’an.
I am in the morning and I did not concern myself with the affairs of the Muslims.
Who heard a preacher or preacher to the Muslims?
In Pakistan, the nation of Jafaria as a nation has no importance either politically, scientifically, economically, or in the world of skills and industry.
Bareilis had 4200 religious madrasas ten years ago, and Deobandis had 8800 major religious madrasas!!
Darul Uloom Korangi is itself a big city (city) covering several hundred acres in which millions of students study from all over the world, Mufti Salimullah Sahib.(of Shah Faisal Colony) has been donated by a Deoband Seth (530) acres of land (hub) in which the largest Darul Uloom of Pakistan,University, technical centers, hospitals, etc. and want to settle the whole city.
While more than 40% of Pakistan’s total population consists of Jafaria, we have a comprehensive and standardized.There is no religious seminary, let alone a high-quality college and university! Millat Jafaria does not even have a proper and standard school! And not it is the magazine! So where is the electronic media?!!How many hospitals do we have? And how big are the factories? And how many good specialist doctors are there? How many quality lawyers are there? And professors
What is the number of gentlemen? It’s in front of you!!
What are the duties of scholars and eminent intellectuals of the nation in such conditions? Look at the contempt, humiliation and backwardness of Millat Jafaria Stay, and live in silence? Or take all possible measures for the welfare and development of religion and nation, religiously and politically as well We can stay still with our hands on our hands, because the political and collective death of Millat Jafaria is actually our own death!!Do you know that the Shia enemy group has established five thousand schools in the name of Iqra School in Karachi only!!
And Shabi is preparing an organized and efficient army to kill blood!! Their biggest lesson is on Shia infidels and Shia hostility!
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is a shepherd.
One is also responsible for one’s relatives (environment).
In view of the above-mentioned verses and honorable hadiths, all of us scholars and intellectuals are responsible for the numerous problems of the nation of Jafaria.
It is also a matter of regret that our elders could not solve the problems and difficulties of the Jafaria nation after the partition, and neither The nation could trust Jafaria because the educated and capitalist class was not only moving away from Islam and the scholars day by day.
But most of the scholars hate!!
The question here is that in view of these circumstances, who is to blame? Millat Jafaria or scholars!
The problem and need of the nation of Jafariya is not only a religious seminary, but the scholars should help the nation of Jafariya in every difficult situation.We are also sorry that after graduating from Qom, the students return to their homeland, so they are not asked by the elders.
There is not just any kind of sympathy and patronage, but indifference is felt!!
Big nations progress through cooperation and cooperation, Deobandi, Barelvi, Aghakhani are far ahead of us.We are inferior to Buhari in every field!!The era of individual efforts and efforts is no longer, nor is it useful and fruitful, collective efforts and efforts in Iran, Lebanon.
Since then they have got a rise. Political and religious parties in Pakistan have developed through collective efforts and we have faced difficulties.They want to solve all their problems and the thousands of problems of Jafaria by individual efforts even if they live among bloodthirsty enemies!
If Moli Imam al-Zamana (a.s.) or his vice-chancellors come to Pakistan, will they build only religious madrasahs or the nation of Jafaria?
Will find a solution for every pain?The problems and problems of the nation of Jafaria are so many that one man is unable to solve all these issues, individual efforts are useful.And it is not fruitful, so we all have to work together, this is the order of the Holy Quran. Tawanwa Ali al-bar and piety.
That is, everyone should participate in good deeds and if they remain silent, they will come under the influence of this verse.
And without help, on the blame and on the attack.Praise be to Allah Almighty, our past is very bright and shining.There were followers, and for centuries after the partition of India, preachers from Lucknow all over Europe, across America and across Africa.
He used to go to congregations and perform preaching duties and the patrons of Lucknow not only served and patronized the scholars of the entire sub-continent used to do, but also distributed Shahria in Najaf Ashraf and Karbala al-Mali and extended all the holy pilgrimages in Iraq and used to repair.You know that Shia activism in Iran and Iraq has often been a victim of oppressive politics, but in united India.
For more than two and a half hundred years, the Friday prayer of the Shias continued continuously.
Let us all restore the former honor and greatness and help the nation of Jafaria in every difficulty and need and at every stage and be self-sufficient up to the level of Ijtihad and Saheb regarding the field of knowledge (religious seminary), Iran, Lebanon, Iraq.
And like the Arab world, if they cannot serve their nation, then at least they should do the same as the religious parties of Pakistan.Don’t be less!According to Imam Khomeini’s orders, after the revolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran, scholars in every small city and every village.
Established millions of schools and established thousands of colleges and universities in every small and large city and in every small town throughout Iran a hospital was established in the big city and a clinic in every village! And now Iran outranks all Islamic countries in defense war equipment is ahead!
What did we give to our nation Jafaria?How painful it is that the Muslims of the sub-continent were made a country by the late Quaid-e-Azam and Raja Mahmoodabad in his all the wealth spent in making Pakistan, these two were Shia leaders! And supremacy in this country should be given to an Islamic country.By order of the Deobandi Sect who are sworn enemies of the Shias!!
Irony on top of irony on the leaders of an Islamic government under the policy made by the orders of their great lords.are being deprived of important positions in military and civil institutions!According to Kamil Hayat’s report published in the International News dated September 52, 2002, the religion of Sunnis in Pakistan.
The number of madrasas is more than forty thousand (40000)! While the number of registered madrasas is only thirteen hundred.A researcher named Abdul Neshaburi referred to the Shaheed Foundation Pakistan, Karbala, Quetta, World Shia Forum, and some other institutions.
According to the data posted on the internet from 4691 to May 5102 (44632) thousand Shias in Pakistan.Has been killed by the Deobandis.Alas, alas, our erstwhile Najafi scholars and the scholars who came from Lucknow (Dar-ul-Ilam Wal-Ulama) after partition, simplicity.
Because of this, the nation could not do any great work for Jafaria in Pakistan, while thousands of people around every big city acres of cheap land were available and they also had financial resources.Dear brother, how long will we remain in the dream?!!
Wake up! Show smart! And whatever you can do for the nation of Jafaria, do it today, tomorrow is too late.All of you are ra’a and all of you are responsible for the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
Strengthen yourself and your family with the Holy Qur’an.
Now you are associated with the most sincere scholars and intellectuals who are sincere and caring for the nation and nation.Let’s have courage, and break the stagnation and stagnation, stand up and work for the welfare of the nation of Jafaria.
We too, with firm determination, spirit of service and self-sacrifice, strong faith, and unity and mutual cooperation, Allah, The Holy Prophet, and the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.), especially Molly With the help of Imam al-Zamana (a.s.), successful and organized nations can expand religious and welfare works, let us become a united nation and be mutual.
Collaboratively spread the great achievements of Millat Jafaria in Karachi and within Sindh and in every province of the country and other countries.
Yad-Allah with the Jama’ah, God willing
Safinat Al Nijat Trust (Registered) Karachi